Thursday, June 11, 2009

Diagnosis vs. Analysis

Editor's note: This is the eighth installment of a series of chiropractic philosophy short essays by Dr. Sanford Black. Dr. Black was a 1947 graduate of the Palmer School of Chiropractic and practiced in Mineral Wells, Texas.

Chiropractic Philosophy

Diagnosis or Chiropractic Analysis? Which is usually used to determine that the new patient is to be accepted for care in the Chiropractic Office? Which is actually so very important in the initial process of determining the case management and the eventual successful care of the Chiropractic Patient?

In Diagnosis, the various and sundry test findings, the observation of the patient, the consultation where initial complaints are noted and added to the other findings. Theses all indicate to the physician that a certain diagnosis may be listed as the “Initial Diagnosis” with the reservation that further into the treatment that diagnosis may be amended or changed entirely.

In Chiropractic Analysis, the Chiropractor initially records a history, including patient’s initial complaints. To determine if there is a Vertebral Subluxation present there are various tests and observations necessary. When it is determined that Vertebral Subluxations are indicated it is then that the location within the spine must be decided. Measurements of the heat differentials in the tissues over the posterior spinal nerves usually give information as to the general location of the Vertebral Subluxation. Palpation and X-Ray Spinographs then give the Chiropractor the knowledge to make the corrective adjustment.

Results of unlimited tests of body fluids will not indicate in any way the location of the Vertebral Subluxation. Results obtained from various chemical stimuli will not indicate the proper way to achieve a correction of a Vertebral Subluxation.

There are no compelling reasons for the Doctor of Chiropractic to even attempt a diagnosis. There are a great number of reasons for him to be absolutely sure that all factors involved in the correction of the subluxation have been correctly determined. The successful results of patient care are dependant on all the things that were observed in the Chiropractic Analysis being correct to the point of perfection. Results then occur naturally, just like when the brown cow eats green grass and gives white milk.

1 comment:

  1. Short and to the point, just like when the brwon cow eats green grass and gives white milk!
